My Bunco group's "season" just started. We break for the summer and start back up in September each year. I'd forgotten how much fun we have until that first game night of the season!! The best things about my Bunco group are the fellowship and the food. The game really doesn't have much to do with it at all - except that it's really nice when you win a prize - yes, we play for prizes not cash - cash evidently would be against the law and the will of our pastor!! We all know that now because at this season's first game someone suggested not giving prizes, but cash instead. I thought a couple of the ladies were going to fall out on the floor!!! We did decide that gift cards would be okay, but no cash (we each bet, oops-I mean give, $5 to the month's hostess to buy the gifts and/or gift cards).
The first game night of the season is always a bit crazy and this year's fell right into step. For some reason the main topic of the night seemed to be "boobs" - this is not a usual topic of conversation, we are all very well mannered women - as attested to by our NOT playing bunco for cash. It just so happened that everytime "boobs" were mentioned one of the hostess' sons or her husband - a pastor at our church - happened to have snuck into the kitchen for food!! First of all, the hostess misinterpreted T's comment "I've had them sized once, so I can't do it again" as refering to her "boobs", when in reality T was refering to her rings. So, as "boobs" were being mentioned here and there we notice the hostess' youngest son standing in the kitchen taking it all in. Needless to say there were red faces all around!! Later in the evening the hostess' oldest son comes into the kitchen. Luckily he is spotted and we are careful not to let "boobs" out. However, he states that the younger brother came up stairs and ratted us out, letting it be known that "those ladies are talking about boobs downstairs!!!" Busted!! And, that wasn't the last of it. We were having a conversation about when our PJ bunco night is going to be when the hostess' husband comes down for food. The conversation is safe until T, who has her back to the kitchen and doesn't see Pastor Husband, announces "Well, I won't be wearing my lingerie (pronounced ling-er-ee) because I have no boobs!!" (NOTE: this is the second time T has been caught in the "boob" talk, T may need some therapy!!) Several people point to the kitchen. T turns slowly, sinks in her chair, and turns 15 shades of red. We all bust - no pun inteded - out in laughter. We are, of course, laughing with her, not at her. Yeah right, who am I kidding...we were laughing at her!!!
I love my "bunco buds" and look forward to getting together with them all each month!! It's always great fun, and sometimes quite "uplifting" - pun intended!!!
The Garth Brooks Dilemma.
10 years ago
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